March, April, May Meeting Recap

As often as I can, I will summarize the neighborhood meetings for those of you who missed it. But here’s the catch-I am not going to do a great job. Why you ask? Simple. I want you to attend the meetings, of course!

But seriously, I know many of you have unavoidable conflicts. Tuesday nights are hard. I hope this summary finds you well and helps keep you connected to the neighborhood. Be sure to email us with any questions

As you can see I have been a slacker for the past few months. So I will recap the last three meetings here. The May meeting is of particular importance, so please read the entire post. I will be very brief for March and April.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 – Commissioner Jim Malless was our guest speaker. He discussed his philosophical appraoch to governing the city as well as his priorities.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 – Laurie Smith, City of Lakeland Senior Environmental Specialist, Lake Morton Update. Laurie explained that the Lakes & Stormwater Division has had great success with the shoreline planting that it undertook on the north side of Lake Morton last summer.  It plans to remove the fence in the coming months and use it at another location along the shoreline that is also in need of replanting.  She also discussed the new planting plan (location and schedule).

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 – The May Meeting had 2 presentations. The first was Lakeland Montessori Middle School. The students studied the types of pollution affecting Lake Morton and Lake Hollingsworth.  They created 3D maps from topo maps, and annotating digital maps in support of their understanding.  Finally they proposed a solution and creating a viral video that will recruit others to create change.  They have studied the nature of viral videos and what kinds of appeals help people to change their own behavior.    The students created on videos explaining different aspects of water conservation and are creating topographical maps of the lakes surrounding their school.

We also had Brian Rewis, Community Improvement Manager for the City of Lakeland and Jim Studiale, Community Development Director for the City of Lakeland, who came to share a proposed new program. Here is their message. Click image to enlarge:

rental registry

Also here are the links to the presentation slides and the draft ordinance for the program. And finally, at the bottom, is a link to the survey. The city would like your input.


Draft Ordinance
Draft Resolution



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